Sunday, August 20

I took quite a few pics on Mandi's camera of us'ns. I'm gonna get her to give me some of them... I have a picture of me and Evan (Ebbie) that I like alot that I maybe will put on here when I get it...

The kids did wonderful....

They didn't cry, or seem to even CARE that we were leaving, they just wanted their mommy.

I hung out with Kaitlyn and Alyssa (miss you guys!!) and Nicholas Wingate when they weren't in school.

If your going to FL for a for the social part, I HIGHLY suggest that you don't go when school is going on. At least those who have friends in school.

I had fun though, on the way back we moved Ebbie's carseat from the middle to the seat on the right, so Gage wouldn't terrorize him. I sat in the middle of the two. Gage was being SO sweet!! At the end they both wanted to get out of their carseats(we only stopped twice), so we had to pull over and let them out for about 5 mins.

We listened to a couple of cool stories on cd, which Ryan complained about...

and that's about all.