Tonight is the 4th of July party @ Brindlee Mountain Ball Park, at 6pm. Ya'll are Welcome!!
This is My Blog where I'll post my opinions on life, whether you like them or not!!
Tonight is the 4th of July party @ Brindlee Mountain Ball Park, at 6pm. Ya'll are Welcome!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Kelly, you made me think twice when you commented on the pic...
I was thinking "Is this really me or not??". I knew that mom had told me that it was me as a baby, but I thought I could have had it mixed up. So, Kelly, you had me worried that I didn't even know who it was. That's sad.
The Arkansas Youth Jubilee is coming up and to anyone that has the chance to go, I would encourage it. Last year was my first time to go, and I enjoyed it much.Changing subjects yet again, you don't know how much you are friends with someone, until they go to Vermont and Maine (Vermaine as I kept calling them accidentally when I was there). Sarah and Cassia Left from Lakeland, going to Maine for one week, then leaving today for Vermont. AND they won't be back until NEXT Saturday. I did get to talk to Sarah for awhile yesterday though, and she was VERY VERY excited that she learned to Knee Board, and that today she got to go jet skiing. And that cassia couldn't drive them because she wasn't 16, and on and on. Yeah.... But, there is one good thing that comes whenever they are gone, EVERYONE makes sure to make use of their pool. Oh yeah, Sawah, I gave the puppies some love for Cass. They aren't neglected.
The picture is of Me Me (the E sounds like A, and it's not May May!! It sounds more like Mem Ay), Sarah, Cassia, Grandpa, and I in the Burlington, VT airport, in Febuary 2005
Posted by RaCeCat at 9:33 AM 2 comments
Happy birthday Leah!!! Wish you MANY MORE!
I was uploading a pic, but for some reason I couldn't... Luv ya anyways Elah!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Heres ya some pics of Lakeland Florida Campmeeting, I just picked a few Drummer Joseph
Josiah and I in Steak and Shake (me with my "Barry face" as Benjie calls it)
Benjie and Sarah in Steak and Shake
Drew is now almost my height.... we shrunk him in the dryer
Our now favorite place....
Joseph and I....
Posted by RaCeCat at 1:29 PM 2 comments
Labels: vacation
This is Benjie... We had fun going to various places with various people on various days, in moms van. Okay, so you got my point.... But, we had a ton of fun, I'll put pics on here later
Posted by RaCeCat at 1:33 PM 0 comments
So.... I'm coming home FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Some of those were Josiah) This is the first time I have actually really missed home on a trip. Most of the time I REALLY don't want to come home, but, I do on this one. Don't ask me why, cause the meeting in itself was really good, but I guess for other reasons.
Sarah is leaving for Vermont tomorrow morning, and she and Cass are missing home already, and they still have 2 more weeks. HA CASS!! I get to leave in the mornin goin, HOME!!
I'm homeward bound....
See my homies on sunday.
Posted by RaCeCat at 12:03 AM 4 comments
HELLO!! It's me again, I'm in the hotel, waiting on my peeps to get ready... So... I had an inspiration to update. I don't really have to much to say, other than I am having great fun and getting an encouragement out of the services. Tonight is the kids thingy, and then only a couple more services, till we come home... I want to come home, but then I really don't. Oh well, i guess I have to...
Peace out
Posted by RaCeCat at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Hey everybody!!
This is prolly the only time I will be able to update this blog this week, so enjoy...
I'm in Lakeland now, It's SO much fun!! I'm in Sis. Katie's (and friends) room, and I'm using Sister Katie's laptop to update.... Thanks SO much SIS KATIE!!
Anyways, I'm still doing great, and STILL encouraged, and Ya'll can stay or get that way too. Love you guys, and MISS YA!
Hope to see some of ya'll here!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 3:24 PM 1 comments
I prolly won't have time in the morning to post, seeing as we are leaving @ 5 in the mornin, I gotta help mom finish packing the van, so i'm GONE!
I'll miss you guys!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Just great.
Yesterday Mom and I's throat and head started hurting. Last night It was so bad that I couldn't swallow without making a horrible face.
This is NOT the day to be sick!! I woke up a lil while ago feeling better, but I still don't feel normal yet. We still have to pull everything together, (it's mostly all packed)go to Arab to get the van and run some errands, get dad off to work, and pack the van... ALL before 5 tomorrow morning.
Pray for me
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:06 AM 1 comments
It's great....
You wake up one morning, see cows in the usually un-used pasture across the road, and EVERY kid in the house (including my neices) HAVE TO run see them. One by one, they filed out of the living room, yelling, "KAYLA! LOOK AT THE COWS!".
You would think that by now, they have seen enough cows in their lives (especially living HERE) to NOT be excited at seeing a COW!!
Oh well, I guess kids can be occupied with anything!!
only 2 packing days left!
Posted by RaCeCat at 11:58 AM 3 comments
You know what is annoying?
When we started to think about packing for campmeeting, I automatically went to the computer to print an in depth list that I had made a couple of years ago for each Campmeeting (yeah, thats me, always prepared... HA!). I kept looking for the Florida cm one, and then I realized something.
It probably got erased along with everything else a couple of months ago when the computer had to be worked on.
MAN!! I didn't realize how much we relied on that list. I had to make a new one, and I'm sure I left like half of it out.
We've been doing this for years, so maybe it will come naturally, BUT... If we have to borrow EVERYTHING from you guys when we actually get there, it's the computers fault.
Posted by RaCeCat at 3:38 PM 3 comments
You know what? Florida Campmeeting (which is held in Lakeland) starts in 5 days.
We just barely finished Bible School, and now it's time to start thinking about CAMPMEETING? It would have come even quicker if I had gone to MS for Nathan and Sylvia's grad, but unfortunatley I couldn't go. Not that Campmeeting could have come any quicker but ya know...
Were already starting to pack, cause it's WAY easier to start early packing for 7 people. BUT, most of us can pack ourselves, or for the most part anyways.
I so cannot wait!! It is always a blessing to go to campmeetings, and I would encourage anyone who wanted to make the effort to go, to DO IT!!
I can't remember a campmeeting I have missed except for the one when Rhiannon was born like a day before Knoxville.
Thank God I'm GOING to FL saved this year.
That's even more of a blessing.
Posted by RaCeCat at 9:15 AM 6 comments
Have I posted this pic already? I can't remember, but I love it.
Dr pepper is MY drink.
I'm obsessed with it.
That means BYE
Posted by RaCeCat at 12:04 PM 3 comments
Today Benjie, (My 1st cousin I talked about in an earlier post), got saved!! That is a major blessing.
God will bless him much if he stays with it, and lives for God.
Terra (Sis. Debra's grandaughter), and Alyssa (Mandi's lil sis) also got saved.
God is good isn't he?
Posted by RaCeCat at 1:26 PM 2 comments
Zach Thinks I'm stuck in the 70's.
Just because I say "Peace", and "Groovy"...
And I like the Beatles, and most of all of the other 70's music artists....My most favorite songs of the beatles are "Come Together", and "Let it Be". I also adore "Yellow Submarine".
What's funny, is that I had a guy in the store today ask me if I even KNEW who the Beatles were.
OF COURSE I DO!! My dad has brought me up on classic rock type music ever since I was born.
Then I got to thinking. Just because I know oldish classic rock pretty well, some other 15 year olds couldn't care less WHAT the beatles sang, much less when they sang it and what the exact lyrics were. I'm just like that though. I love the Beatles!!
Sing it with me all you people... "We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine..."
Posted by RaCeCat at 3:09 PM 4 comments
Yo!! Not much has been going on since my last post. We went to church last night, and had a lil surprise, my 1st cousin Benji came to church with us. I sat on the back pew with him, and a whole row of guys. It felt a lil weird, but being me, I didn't care. Mom thought it would be funny if other people didn't know who he was, and wondered who he was and why I was sitting by him. It was great.
Basically all we did today in Bible School, was practice for the closing program. And if your reading this, you are invited to the closing program for the VBS at 7:00 p.m tomorrow night (friday).
Here is my finished project,
And my finished project with Ears!!
David blows a lil bubble,
And Cass blows the biggest bubble....
And last but not least, blue tongued ME!!! (Thanks Sis.Katie for the Double Bubble!!) I know it's weird lookin!! don't laugh
At least Timmers likes it!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 5:03 PM 2 comments
I tried to post last night, and somehow, it didn't get posted what I wanted to say.
This is what I was going to say:
It's my second post today, and guess what?
(if you know me well at all you can prolly predict my answer)
I was realizing how much fun I have had since I have started blogging. Blogging is like my life now. It's almost like my life REVOLVES around blogging, OKAY, so not totally revolves, but I do LOVE to read everyone's post from day to day.
IF you post that much.
Just so you know, I check ALL of you guys' blog's that I know about. I love to read everyone's opinions in stuffs.
Now that I have said all of that, It's off to BIBLE SCHOOL I go!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 8:40 AM 2 comments
I actually went to Founders day, and had so much fun that I didn't take any pictures. Okay, so I took 2. I lied. Sry.
I was Redneck.
But you know what? I can allow myself to be red for AT LEAST a day of 365, that's not so much.
What I didn't lie about was going to get a sunburn though, cause I did. Seriously. I would take a picture of me now, but I'm not as sunburned as I was Saturday. My scalp is what really felt awesome.
David and Zach said that if they die from a serial killer because I put their pictures on my blog, they will blame me. I hope none of you guys are serial killers. If you are, please go away.
This is really a pointless post.
Really, I promise
Posted by RaCeCat at 12:59 PM 4 comments
Bible School is Extremely fun this year, all of us older ones are being very umm... Bad? No, not really but it IS really fun this year.
I thought I would post some pictures of me and my class, or at least my project and my class.THIS is my project. It is a candle holder.... today and yesterday we started gluing the lil glass pieces on. Monday we start grouting in between the lil colored class so you can't see the clear parts.
David Reliford... not doing what he is supposed to... He talks more than he works most of the time... That's NICE David.
This is my workspace. As you can see, I chose some of the brightest glass pieces.
Cassia and Meagan. Showing off their prized projects.
Dylan and Zach... posin pretty for the camera!
David, Chase, and Dylan.
Our teachers, Sis. Katie Smith and Sis. Carolyn Quillion with Sis. Cornwell. (SHHH Sis. Carolyn doesn't like pics and doesn't know I have this one.)
Posted by RaCeCat at 4:26 PM 1 comments
Have you ever had SO much fun, and then when you try to tell it to someone else, they look at you like your an idiot? I kinda feel like that now.Tesia, Cassia, and I (along with a couple others who left early) went swimming for a VERY long while today after Bible School. We had a blast, laying out in the sun, enjoying the day. That was all great and stuff. THEN, the other people left, and got out of the pool. We (being Cass, T, and I) got off of our little floats and started swimming around with goggles on. Tesia and looked HILARIOUS!! anyways, that isn't the point. What is? we all decided to have a "Guess That Song" contest under water. (Josiah and Brian Thorgerson do that at work with the radio)I'm sure we had WAY more fun than them.
Just Picture it now. Cassia, Kayla, Tesia, all going under water at the same time, singing, and laughing hysterically with bubbles going EVERYWHERE. Every time Tesia would start to sing, she would burst out laughing, and Cassie and I would follow.
Needless to say, some of our songs weren't so recognizable... lol. It's raining fairly hard now, which is a shame, cause it was SO pretty a little while ago.
I think I'm sunburned just a lil, WHICH IS GOOD!
Posted by RaCeCat at 5:13 PM 4 comments