This is a pic of me and Abigail Lynae (Abby). A baby that I kept for only a couple of weeks, but got VERY attached to. She had a bunch of physical problems, and was a very fussy baby when I had her. I saw her the other day, and she was doing MUCH better. I think she had to have heart surgery. At only 1 years old!! Miss ya Yoda!! (we called her that because her ears stuck out like YODA's on Star wars!)
Monday, July 31
Abby n Me
Posted by RaCeCat at 12:33 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 30
The other day, Rhiannon and Kebrina were playing Barbies.... I heard them playing for awhile, and then Rhiannon said:
"He's pretty"
In which Kebrina replied...
"RHIANNON!! Guys aren't PRETTY!! They are handsome!"
Rhiannon did not like that answer, cause this is what she told her:
" NO! they are NOT!! Boys are supposed to be HOTT! NOT Handsome!!"
I smiled and asked her WHERE she got that idea... She said "WELL THAT's WHAT YOU AND SARAH SAY!!"
So... Everybody, Guys can't be handsome anymore. They are Hot.
Posted by RaCeCat at 9:14 AM 11 comments
Labels: siblings
Saturday, July 29
This is a pic of me n Derek (Der Bo) last night... It was like 1 in the morning, and I was TIRED!! I laid in the floor, and Derek soon followed.
Posted by RaCeCat at 5:36 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 28
Sibling #3 = Landon Riley
Landon is the instigator in the fam. He LOVES to make the girls scream, it's his joy. But what boy doesn't???
Posted by RaCeCat at 7:49 PM 3 comments
Labels: siblings
Thursday, July 27
Rhiannon Bryn, The 5th Sibling
Looks may be decieving... She isn't ALWAYS that sweet and precious. She CAN be sweet though, just not all the time.
Posted by RaCeCat at 2:25 PM 8 comments
Labels: siblings
Tuesday, July 25
Many Much Friends
I feel like the lil purple Smiley with so many friends around me.
I love all you guys.
Posted by RaCeCat at 6:01 PM 7 comments
Last night, Sarah, Emma, Leah Broome, and I met Leah Slaten
@ Bruster's Icecream in huntsville after Leah S got out of school. After that, we decided to go to Walmart, to pick up some Bread, Milk, etc. for the mom's.
I rode with Leah S. there, and we arrived before the other car got there. We were there a couple of seconds when Sarah called me and told me that "I think you might want to come out here and talk to us in the parking lot". Some one threw something @ a red light, (no they did not see who it was) and Shattered the windshield. Glass was LITERALLY all over Sarah. It looked like she had poured glitter ALL over her. We had to pick a couple of bigger pieces from her legs, but other than that she was fine.
Emma was in the back seat laughing hestarically, and Leah B. was VERY calm throughout the whole thing. Leah and Emma did not get any glass in them, Praise the Lord!!
We then called Derek, to come drive the car home, because we knew that he wouldn't lose his calm and freak out or something. We went and got our stuffage for our moms, and then went home. The windshield stayed in place while derek drove home, which was a good thing. Leah was SUPPOSED to leave this morning, but I don't know if she actually will get to.
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:59 AM 4 comments
Monday, July 24
new profile pic
Since lots of you guys DO NOT like my PROFILE pic
is my new profile pic... I'm about to do it now.
It's not as bad as the one I found of me and Landon with our faces smashed up against the door.
Posted by RaCeCat at 3:09 PM 7 comments
Saturday, July 22
Speeches Shmeeches
I know, I know... I should really be getting MANY speeches about NOT updating in so long. I have actually had so much fun this past week.
The Knox parents were gone, so all us girls (add a couple from MS which makes 5) stayed at their household until today. We actually kept it very clean considering the hours that we were actually there. I don't think that there was a day (or night) that I didn't go to bed before 3. We woke up about 11 or 12 too. That was great.
I think pictures say alot more than words, and THIS is how I feel this week.
If you haven't yet noticed, I really need some sleep and LOVE weird pics of myself.
Posted by RaCeCat at 11:22 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 18
Lil Drummer Boy
Here he is again. He LOVES to play dad's drums. He actually tries(and does a good job) of copying whatever dad does. It's so CUTE!! This is one of the many drummer faces he thinks he can make.
Posted by RaCeCat at 6:13 PM 5 comments
Labels: siblings
Monday, July 17
Cereal Boy
This is when Levi first started to really like cereal. It's still his favorite. "Marmellow tind" (marshmellow kind).
Posted by RaCeCat at 2:17 PM 2 comments
Labels: siblings
Sunday, July 16
That was an encouraging meeting!! I had a great time hangin out and goin to the services... I'm waiting for Sarah, Anna, and Cassia to get ready for church... We got here a couple of minutes ago and are late for church already. But, we couldn't go to church looking like we did. My clothes are on the BOTTOM of the stack, so we couldn't exactly get them now, so I have to go in the clothes that I wore. I will maybe put a couple of pictures up later, but not now. I felt like everyone were dawgs and homies, over there, while we were our own little rebel flag wearing (and cell phone covers) white person(s). Then there was the guy that stood up in church and said that he had been in the pententery for most of his life, and that he had killed 3 or 4 people. Ummmm, by that point, Sarah and I were getting kinda worried. He WAS NOT saved at all. Brother Jennings had to stand up and tell him that maybe he could find something that he needed while he was there. INTERESTING.... anyways, I will go, I think they are almost ready.Peace out MY homies.
Posted by RaCeCat at 7:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 13
I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane... (not really actually)
I will be leaving tomorrow for the Arkansas Youth Jubilee. I might not update in the morning, but you know me, I ALWAYS find time to update, somehow.
This picture is of us @ the Knox's before our "Bottle rocket war" some people, including Johnathan and a couple others were smart and stayed out of it. I lit my hair and shirt on fire, and Sarah had to come to my rescue. It did no damage, EXEPT I have a couple of lil Holes in my FAVORITE Dr Pepper shirt, why do you always have to wear your favorite shirt then something happens on that day. It could have happened ANY other day, but NO!!!
Anyways, I will be home Sunday... So if I don't update tomorrow I will then. See ya L8ter. Peace my Homies
Posted by RaCeCat at 11:22 PM 1 comments
Labels: vacation
Lil Painter
Like Father Like son. This is an old pic of Levi, but I love it!! Notice his lil gangsta pant leg thing. lol
Posted by RaCeCat at 1:10 PM 3 comments
Labels: siblings
Wednesday, July 12
Tuesday, July 11
Open Arms-Journey
I was @ a army thingy at Ditto Landing last night, and one of the Army guys sang this song. He had an Awesome voice, but that wasn't the point. He dedicated this song to all of the spouses that had loved ones serving our country. I never realized how much this song went with that. Here are the lyrics. I recommend listening to it if you have the opportunity. It made my heart swell with pride being a part of that last night. It was great.
Lying beside you
Here in the dark
Feeling your heart beat with mine
Softly you whisper
You're so sincere
How could our love be so blind
We sailed on together
We drifted apart
And here you are by my side
So now I come to you
With open arms
Nothing to hide
Believe what I say
So here I am
With open arms
Hoping you'll see
What your love means to me
Open arms
Living without you
Living alone
This empty house seems so cold
Wanting to hold you
Wanting you near
How much I wanted you home
But now that you've come back
Turned night into day
I need you to stay
So now I come to you
With open arms
Nothing to hide
Believe what I say
So here I am
With open arms
Hoping you'll see
What your love means to me
Open arms
Thanks to all the men and women who are in the military. We love you much
Posted by RaCeCat at 11:25 AM 3 comments
Monday, July 10
I know that I'm blond... As in my hair color and everything, but I'm starting to realize how much I am really blond in my actions.
Today (or a couple of mins ago) I told Rhiannon to go to my room to get my shoes. I also told her that they were in front of the dresser. She ran downstairs and brought up the shoes. They weren't the ones I wanted, so I sent her back down there to get the OTHER ones. She came BACK up stairs saying "THERE WEREN'T ANY SHOES IN FRONT OF THE DRESSER!!" She looked in front of the door, but STILL didn't find them.
Guess what??? They were in FRONT of me, under the computer desk where I have been sitting for the past 30 to 40 minutes.
I could go on and on and on about stuff like that that has happened in the last couple of days. Like at the mall when I wanted to see the price of something and was getting VERY frustrated when I couldn't find it.
Good thing I have Cassie, she ever so gracefully pointed out that it was RIGHT in front of me the entire time.
Posted by RaCeCat at 5:13 PM 2 comments
Even Freakier!
I can't believe I'm posting this, It's the worst pic nominee of the year... Okay not really, I won't post the one's worst than this.
Posted by RaCeCat at 11:35 AM 3 comments
Sunday, July 9
Saturday, July 8
Welcome CassiaK
Cass' has entered our world of bloggin.
Posted by RaCeCat at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Last night I had fun watching the AlabamaBrand Kiddielids, and we accomplished various different crafts (including "No girls allowed: Except For My Mom" doorhanger for Matthew)which was very fun. Paige made me a note, that I thought was VERY sweet... They were all sweet though.
Thanks Morghann, Haley, Matthew, Paige, Lexi, and Sadie for being so good! (I figure that their mommy will read this sooner or later...)
Anyways, the Knox's just got home for their FOE EVA trip to ^ North about 3:30am this morning, and I am so glad that they are back!! I will hopefully be hangin wit them soon, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSAFER!! Gettin old on us, lol
Posted by RaCeCat at 11:30 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 7
Tia Maria
This post is dedicated to my friend Tshirt.
Thanks for being my most faithful commenter an stuff.
I love ya much!!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 1:02 PM 2 comments
Many Happy Days...
Let's start with President bush.... His birthday was yesterday, he turned 60.
Amie's birthday is today, and I think Lisa Quillion's is also today.
I also want to remember Bro. Buddy Owen (my great uncle) on his birthday today, he was a great man.
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 6
Wednesday, July 5
Last night, a bunch of us went to Point Mallard, to watch some fireworks... We got there about 7 something, and figured the fireworks started @ 9. They didn't. They started at 10. There was a beauty pageant going on, along with a small fair, so we sat in the soccer field waiting for the fireworks to begin.
Then we noticed something.
We were more of a MINORITY there. There were hundreds of Mexicans running around with their 25 kids, and 1 woman with every 5 guys.
Josiah, Tesia, and I got REALLY annoyed. WE WERE celebrating our history, our heritage, our LIBERTY!!! What were they celebrating I wonder???? Most likely getting here illegally.
Everyone knows how much I despise Illegal's... I just sat there fuming, on the blanket. Josiah said that the border patrol should surround the place and pack everyone that didn't have their correct ID into a bus and deport them back to there home place. I say if they didn't have their ID to do something worse to them... But that wouldn't be politically correct would it?
Then the fireworks started, and all was dark. The fireworks were really pretty.
But another thing was wrong...
They only lasted about 20 minutes, when we had waited several hours for this SUPPOSEDLY best firework show.... I'm not sure WHO they were comparing them selves to, but it WAS NOT the best by far.
We had to wait really long for everyone to get out of the park, and THEN I got bit by a little creature, and I wish I had a picture to show you how swollen some of my hand was.
That was my night. At least I had fun hangin wit my homies.
BTW... Dylan is now beginning to Blog. is his linkage
Posted by RaCeCat at 4:02 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, July 4
That was really cool...
I just was reading Timmy's post, (which was really good by the way) and commented 3 minutes before Heather. I thought that was interesting.
ANYWAYS... Today is the 4th and I'm really thankful to be in America. Go to Johnathan's blog ( to read a really more cooler post about freedom. The one that Bro. Cornwell referred to in his message.
In other news, I need to go...
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:58 AM 3 comments
Monday, July 3
Airport pics
Here are pics from the airport, we just got home and Terra and I are sitting here at the computer.
Pic #1 =Kaitlyn ready to leave....
Pic #2= me and Kaitlyn waiting outside...
Pic #3= All of us
Pic #4= Evan exausted on the way home
Posted by RaCeCat at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Today is the 3rd...
and I am about to head to B'ham to bid farewell to Kaitlyn and Alyssa.
They have been here for awhile now, but it seems like NOT very long at all.
You guys will be missed much.
Sry I don't have a pic to put on here, but you guys can go to Alyssa's blog...
It's sad!! I don't want you guys to leave!
I'll miss ya much...
Posted by RaCeCat at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 2
After Church this morning, Benjie and I went to Walmart, and then went to the Ball Park so the guys could play some Softball. I didn't think to get any pictures, but here is one of Daniel Friday night @ the park.
Vanessa was @ chruch this morning which was REALLY cool to see her come, and by the way nessa, I think you had enough people sitting by you in church!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 5:06 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 1
Fun Fun
I got a couple pics from last night, but they are on Benjie's camera, and I haven't got them uploaded to Picasa yet. I did have a lot of fun though.... Eating, hangin out wit my homies, and watching a few fireworks (occasionally a couple of God's natural Fireworks in the sky, namely LIGHTNING!)
After the Fireworks, we decided to go to Starbucks and drink hyper in size grande (at least I did... Grande Frapp Mocha, with a shot of expresso).
After having a great time there, we went to Walmart ( we can't go anywhere without stopping at Wally world on the way home ) and hung out until 11:30 pm, then made it home 4 minutes before my extended (thanks mom) 12 o'clock curfew.
I wanted to post this picture again, because I thought it looked MUCH cooler after my alterations that I made.
Here is Drew, Joseph and I outside the church building @ lakeland campmeeting:
Posted by RaCeCat at 9:56 AM 4 comments