Since I have Painstakingly neglected my poor blog... I will now update you on what has been going on in my life since the last time I posted.
On Monday which was labor day, I went to Matt and Heather Brand's house and participated in the usual Memorial Day activities at their house. Well... Some of them weren't so usual. Josh, Tesia, Vannessa, and I got in a grass fight with the Brands beautiful grass. It is really pretty, and soft. Then we went to Arab Wally World and had fun too. Yesterday I went to Mandi Smith's house until 12:30p.m, then did bible school stuffage for mom, went to Hville with Tesia, Vannessa, and Josh in the rain, and then came to the Church to do MORE stuff with mom.
We started Bible school today, and even though I was a LITTLE sad that I didn't get to be with Sarah, Josiah, and Laura, I learned that I could have a TON of fun without them. I love Sis. Katie and Sis. Carolyn Q's class! I hope to go to get some pics, so I'll post those later in the bible school week. I have some interestingly fun people in my class, namely David Reliford, and Zach Jones.
I'm going to Arab again with Sarah to put Flow Masters on Daniel's truck. I
might go swimming later. It's 94 degrees right now and feels like 96.
Happy Bible Schooling!
Wednesday, May 31
updation on my world of busyness
Posted by RaCeCat at 12:35 PM 4 comments
Monday, May 29
Happy Memorial Day!!
It's Memorial Day.... It is SO hot outside....
I don't know HOW we will survive today being outside so much! anyways, I hope we have fun, and don't die of scorchings... Have a Happy Memorial Day!!
Currently in Morgan City, Alabama,
It is Partly Cloudy, and 87 degrees (feels like 92), According to
Posted by RaCeCat at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 28
Hi everybody. Today I (and Jess) had nursery... Here are some of the pics that I took of the kids, and Derek. He was a big help when like 3 or 4 of them was crying at the same time. Usually it's not SO hectic, but today, they all seemed like they needed a nap MAJOR TIME!! anyways, here they chronological order.
#1= a blurry pic of Gage Ryan Smith
#2= Gage and James Alan Romines
#3= Colton Anthony Seay... Mandi Smith's nephew
#4= Wyatt Gullion, "sleeping" in the oven...
#5= Me, and half of James Alan
#6= Derek n Caden
#7= Emma Jem!!
#8= Tired Hannah and Gage
#9= Jess and kids, ready for lunch!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 12:48 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 27
Rascal Flatts
I really like Rascal Flatts' new cd they produced recently. It's called "Me and My Gang"... It's tracks are really great, and I didn't find one that I didn't like. I don't think so anyway. Go getcha one!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 5:38 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 26
Wooo!! as Taylor would say
It's our funny, and very interesting TAYLOR HICKS!!
OUR American Idol...
Way to Go Taylor!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 25
I'm Back!!
I'm feeling slightly better today, which is awesome!! I thought I would post some pics of my first cousin Christina's Graduation. Congrats Chrissy!! this first pic is of her and her dad's family. It was actually a good graduation, and one of the graduates gave a very good speech.
Pic #1 = Chrissy and Uncle Rickey's fam... Pic #2 = Chrissy and Dustin (her brother) Pic #3 = all of Mom and A. Rita's chillens (and Aunt Rita) Don't we all look alike? Pic #4 = Chrissy and Michelle (her friend) Pic #5 = Me, Chrissy, and side view of A.Rita... and Last but not least, Pic #6 = Dud and Chrissy
Posted by RaCeCat at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 24
Not Feeling SO Wondrous
I'm doing a VERY good job at playing sick. Not really. If you call throwing up many times PLAYING, then I'm definitley playing. I'm sure you wanted to know all that and stuff, and I think I'll depart, and go back to bed. The same place I have been ALL day. If my head, stomach, back, and this fever would go away, I might feel slightly better. Let's hope that's SOON!!
Pray for me... I DESPISE being SICK!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 6:23 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 23
Illegal alien crossing
Here is an email that we recieved a while ago. I thought it was great. Another one of my despisings...
Subject: Movin' to Mexico
Something to think about, as American citizens:
Dear President Bush:
I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this.
I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports,immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I'm on my way over?
Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. All government forms need to be printed in English.
4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.
5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.
7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don't enforce any labor laws or tax laws.
13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or place on the economy. I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that Pres. Fox won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail hunting with your V.P.
Thank you so much for your kind help!
From a friend in Texas
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 22
Founder's Day is COMING
You know what that means...
Founders day is the 1st weekend in June, and everyone is very much preparing for it. People are already starting to line the roads with their personal stands to sell whatever it is that they have to sell.
If you haven't heard of Founder's Day, that's ight, cause it's just a redneck celebration of the Founding of Morgan City, Alabama.
I personally, having my red roots, though I'm not SO redneck, LOVE Founder's Day. Having that said...Some of ya'll might know that I'm very proud of where I live, and wear our southern flag PROUDLY. If you are in some way offended by our flag, I'm sorry, cause that's not why I wear it. I personally love it cause that's MY heritage, and I choose to be proud of it. I love it here, and would NEVER want to live anywhere else.
I might not should say that cause I might end up moving somewhere else in the world. Maybe I should have said that I wouldn't have wanted to be BORN anywhere else. Maybe that's it.
SO... If you see me on the 1st weekend of June roaming the main roads in Morgan City, I'm having fun! Getting sunburned, and enjoying being here in my redneck world.
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:14 AM 4 comments
Sunday, May 21
Before the Banquet, I went to my sister Lynne's house for Katrina and Cheyenne's birthday party. At 5 something I started getting ready, and mom ran me home to get the camera and then I was off to the Banquet!! {OH YEAH!! I forgot to mention the catfight at Lynne's house when some of the school moms got into it about their kids... that was interesting to say the least!}
The graduation banquet was fun, special thanks to Tammy Quillion for the decorations and organization of everything. It turned out REAL nice. We had fun listening to Elam, Josh, Johnathan, and Katrina play some music afterwards!! Everyone was crazy!! After the Banquet and all the music,
Sarah, Elam, and I went to Sonic and got a Large Fresh Fruit Slush [Elam got a Route 44 one] and came straight home cause I had to be home at 11. It was a great night!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 18
More and More Birthdays!!
Today is my Niece Katrina Mathews' Birthday. Happy 8th Bday TRINA!! She was born 1 day after Lynne's (her mom) birthday... so that's pretty cool. Lynne's uncle's [he's more like her brother] birthday was a day before Lynne's and Cheyenne's birthday [my youngest neice] was the 9th. The whole fam has birthday's in MAY!! so Happy birthday to all of you guys!!
The Graduation Banquet for the Graduates is Saturday p.m, so I'll post some pics of the banquet hopefully sometime... after the banquet.... Here is one from last year's banquet in which Clint, Jessica, Katrina, John C., Jeremy, and Valerie graduated from either high school , or college.
Posted by RaCeCat at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 17
Happy Bday Moo!
Happy Birthday to my big sis, LYNNE (aka Lynnie Moo and many more)!! gettin old @ 30! Love you MOO!! This pic doesn't do her justice, but it's the only one I have of her right now... It's actually rather bad... SRY!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: siblings
Tuesday, May 16
They (the NAFS, my homeschool umbrella) actually said that my paper was "One of the best papers turned in this year". That is a blessing. It didn't reallly MATTER that they liked it, it just makes me feel great that they do. SO... oficially as of today am finished with EVERYTHING to do with school for my 10th grade year.
Then there is next year.
And the next.
Then that is all I ever have to hear about me being a highschooler ever again. In some ways that seems VERY long. But, then I can remember being a 3rd grader and thinking it was SOOO long till my 12th grade year. And now 2 highschool years down and 2 to go...
P.S. The title is from a song that Nathan Sanford claims to like and Mom despises... "Schools Out For Summer"-Alice Cooper
Posted by RaCeCat at 6:12 PM 2 comments
I'm on my way to my Review meeting with ALL of the Coordinator of NAFS to review my "End of the Year Papers". Hopefully they will like them lots, cause if they don't, well I don't know what will happen then cause it has never happened to me before. They liked my highschool papers for last year, so hopefully they will like them again!! I hate anticipation!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 1:11 PM 0 comments
cOnGrAtS Grads!
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the NAFS Graduation. It was actually very interesting. Congrats to Tesia, Ethan, and Vanessa for graduating highschool!! I wish I was doing it too! I had Elam on my left [with a rather loud object], during the graduation, and Josiah on my right [with yet another loud object]. I didn't clap very much, I had my hands OVER my ears. But I did scream and yell for them. It was great. After the Graduation, we went to O'Charley's restaurant, and had some more great fun. What was even better is that we went to the Smith's after that, and played MANY games. Brother Randy said that he didn't think the dogs were going to get to sleep outside, because we were being so loud. Sorry, Bro. Randy, you have to love it. There were quite a few of us in the room though, playing a rather loud and obnoxious game. Speaking of Graduating, congrats also to Bro. Brandon, Joshua, and KIM for graduating from College on Friday (??) and Sunday. YOU GO GUYS!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 12
Six Flags
Were on our way to Six Flags!!!! Half asleep, but on our way. Let's hope Mom's awake if anyone has to be
Posted by RaCeCat at 5:14 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 11
Old Red, and NEW Red
Everyone at Dad's new work @ Goodyear Tires in Gadsten, says he got a wonderful job. That is a blessing, because after 13 years of tire building @ Goodyear Dunlop in Huntsville, his shoulders were not feeling the best. Out of the 6 that went in, they gave HIM the best job and we all know that it was God. God worked it out for him to even be working. We are really thankful for that!! It's a little weird too, him being gone, because we are used to seeing him EVERY day here @ home. That is different. What seems even weirder is him getting a new truck... His maroon 92' Ford truck was having serious problems. The dealer gave him a REALLY great deal on his old red, and sold him one for yet another great deal. He loves the truck too... You should hear him. He has talked non-stop about it since he first laid eyes on it. I mean so non-stop that you can't even get a word in except "uh-huh"... "uh-huh".... lol. he took pictures of it... so here they are. The deal becomes final today. What's even better is I get to DRIVE it now... lol.
Oh yeah... Six-Flags is tomorrow! I think I'm looking forward to the trip as much as I'm looking forward to the rides. I really love to travel!! I love the rides of course too. Which is kinda funny cause about 3 years ago, you couldn't get me to THINK about going on one. Now I'm going on the biggest and baddest ones... lol. They have the newest one... Goliath... I'm scared!! lol
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 9
Welcome Amarionna and Griffin!!
Amie Thorgerson had a beautiful baby boy... his name is Griffin!! He is so cute!! I think he looks like all of the kids... I have been helping Sarah and Cassia with the kids since Saturday. They have been exceptionally good for the most part. Which they normally ALWAYS are for me. They were VERY excited to see their mommy and new baby brother. Emma was SOOO glad to see Amie, and loved her pink little doggie that Amie and Brian gave her for a present. Timmy got a Star Wars book and a Hotwheels coloring book, Colby a Spider Man drawing thingy, and a Hotwheels coloring book. Aiden was very happy with his Dick and Jane painting book.
A couple of rooms down, Keith and China Cornwell have a new baby girl. Her name is Amarionna Celeste. She is also very ADORABLE. Griffen and Amarionna were born about 20 mins apart, which is cool. China was sitting in the chair curling her hair when we went in with Emma, and she looks awesome to have just had a baby.
Both Mother and babies are doing great now, and so are daddies lol.
I'm about to do step class at the Knox's so I need to go get my stuffs on and get in gear!!
Posted by RaCeCat at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 6
I Had a Great TIme
with a friend going to Georgia, to pick up her neice and nephews from her uncle. It went VERY well on both the way there, AND the way back. All five kids slept the WHOLE way home and this is like a 5 hour drive.
Having that said... We stopped at a McDonalds on the way home, got ALL five kids out of the van and with kids holding hands and the van locked we entered McD's. When we got into the building, we saw a Policeman who friendly greeted us, we ordered,and took the kids into the "play land" for them to play. When we were ready to leave, the Policeman opened the door for us and escorted us outside and watched us enter the van. After a diaper change, we went to the trash to throw away the diaper. We asked the policeman is this was a bad place to be. "Well, he answered slowly, you guys came on a good night... Nothing happens on Fridays and Saturdays when we are here."
I personally have never been to a McDonalds where it has to be guarded. Huntsville is a fairly good place to go to town in, and does NOT have to be guarded. I'm glad that things don't happen so much that I can't be comfortable with where I live. It's nice living in Morgan City!! Even if it isn't the most wonderful place to live in some circumstances, I still love it.
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 4
So we had Speech tonight....
We had a Presentation tonight @ sister Barbra Parson's House tonight for us Speech class students [sis. Barbra taught us this class] to recite our Speeches to our parents and friends. I must say that I am glad for it to be over. I was VERY honest and said at the end that I appreciated all the work that she put into the class and I liked the writing part alot.... BUT sometimes I did not care for the Speech parts. At least I was honest.... I could have said that I loved the class and enjoyed it alot, but, to tell you the truth, usually mom had to MAKE me learn my speeches. I loved writing them, but I REALLY don't like giving Speeches in front of people. It was really great though tonight... everyone did fine and at the end of the Speeches we each gave Sis. Barbra a rose. It was quite a colorful bouquet. It was actually fun if I say so myself. Josiah and Derek appeared in the middle, and I really didn't want them coming. BUT... they did, and I didn't notice them until the MIDDLE of my Methamphetimine speech. I kinda had a mind block, but then recovered and did an IGHT job. It was an expeirence. I am soooo... glad to have the 10th grade over and finished!! It is majorly a blessing.
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 1
oh the joy of being finished with your "end-of-the-year" papers!! They are currently printed, collated, paperclipped, and ready to be inspected by the school coordinators. I'm hoping to start college next school year. {EEK!} and I kinda have no clue what I'm doing. oh welll.... I will learn. Life is awesome now that I am so close to being finished with this years school work!! yay. I'm am so happy
Posted by RaCeCat at 10:15 PM 2 comments