Last night, a few of us yp went to the Reese's to have a bonfire. It was pretty fun.
Only when the fire got small enough for us to enjoy it though. You know how boys are... They just kept adding more and more to it.
But... That isn't my point. After Josh and Josiah left, we were all sitting by the campfire talking about miracles.
After that, Laura started a WHOLE new conversation by saying something like: "WOW!! that fire is HOT! I sure would hate to go to hell!"
We had an awesome conversation on spiritual things, and I was thinking much during our little discussion.
I am so very thankful for God allowing me to be brought to church in a blanket. I am even more thankful for him giving me a mind to be saved while I am still young. While we were talking, I remembered how miserable I used to be.
I am so very thankful for God allowing me to be brought to church in a blanket. I am even more thankful for him giving me a mind to be saved while I am still young. While we were talking, I remembered how miserable I used to be.
I hated not being saved. I wasn't getting ANY joy out of it. I'm very thankful for that now. God could have just let me go and told me, "Go, just have fun... Do it your own way." and let me go on to be on my own without him forever, but he didn't, and I can't thank him enough.
Campmeeting was a HUGE blessing to me, since I haven't posted about it yet, here is a couple of pics from the picnic.
Were all paying our attention to Evan, and I looked up to see mom snapping a pic.

Look Y'all!! It's Ryan Usher Spanogle. HAHAHA
HAHAHAHAH love the last pic!!!!
I can get the usher part...but the spanogle? clue me in!
FOR THE 100 TIME.... RYAN DOESNT LOOK LIKE USHER!!!!! but if u think so wateva... lol it was nice seeing u again. I'm glad i actually got to talk to u a little cuz for a second there i felt like we didnt even know each other...:( lol ttyl
Good Post. Stay Encouraged in your soul. Getting saved young is the best
thing you can do. It will save you from so many scars. The devil will paint you many pictures along the way, but remember Gods way is always best. The devil don't paint you the side effects from those pictures.
Stay True,
Great post!!! GREAT PIX!!! Great..great...great...yea
Man i wish we had been able to go!!!!!!! And i have WHATEVER beside your name because i don't know what the Racecat thing is about!
Good pictures. Glad I got to go to the picnic this year, it was a first for me. Enjoyed the fellowship much.
Stay enouraged! You're right, getting saved YOUNG is the bestest thing you can do. Saves you from a LOT of heartache & tears.
O.K. I think I should BEAT her more often. As you can tell she does NOT obey. I told her not to put that picture on her blog but since it is there....let me tell the story....Nathan gave us a graduation picture (you know, the one where he NEEDS a haircut) and SOMEBODY (name with-held to protect the innocent but she goes by Racecat) put the picture in a frame that has "my pet" across the top of it. I did not know about this and Sis. Becky came over and made a comment about the picture frame. I told her that it was "racecat's" ....needless to say she was not happy with me. Now it is a joke that Nathan is "my pet". When we entered the park there was a sign informing us to keep out pets on a leash...thus the story of the picture....
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