This morning Dylan woke me up at 4:40 a.m. Sister Sharon, Ben, Kaitlyn Ary, and the Parsons got here around 5:20 a.m. We left and headed to Atlanta... Stopping at Shoney's for breakfast (Arby's for Dylan, Ben, and I), on the way out of the parking lot, we noticed that a kitten was in the parking space that the Parsons' van had been ocupying.... A little black kitten had ridden ALL the way to Gadsten from their house. Sister Barbara and Brother David got out and tried to catch it, but it was one of the wild ones (i'm guessing) and wouldn't come to them for anything. It finally ran away.

^^^us FINALLY in the car
Shoney's of Gadsten now has a kitten. But.... Moving on, we then went to sixflags. We had a blast!!!! (but who doesn't at sixflags right???!!) We didn't ride ALL of the rides,
but we rode batman and goliath over and over. We went to Wendy's (right beside sixflags) for something to eat and to change clothes afterwards. BUT.... we didn't count on the key not working to Sis. Sharon's car. The Subaru "Legacy" only has one key entry on the drivers door. Something happened to the spring, and wouldn't let us in.

Now normally this wouldn't be a problem. Use the remote??? DUH!!! Well it just so happens that the remote was IN the car. So... we called the police to come help. They can't unless the car is running, or someone is locked in (Ben said to tell them that he thinks he COULD be in the car, he wasn't sure just yet)... So the next thing we did was call State Farm Insurance. They gave us a number to a locksmith in Atlanta. It was going to cost around $165 and 35 of our minutes for him to get there. Sis. Sharon wanted to call her husband, and make sure that was okay.
Let me make a note that Sister Barbara was praying... Like 4 or 5 times. Sis. Sharon only came to be a blessing to us.... And you know what Gilbert's suggestion was?

Let Ben beat on the lock. WHAT!?! So... He did. Not too hard mind you, because of the alarm system, but he beat on it with his fists.
And you know what? It worked. something moved around in there, and we could slide the key in just fine. Now wasn't that great???

The trip home (once we finally got on the road) was pretty eventful. I was EXTREMELY hyper. No one got to sleep.
I have pics (obviously)... so look at them. I took them with you guys in mind!!! The one of me and "Green Lantern" is my favorite!! I love him!!

I am now running with no sleep from 4:30 a.m to now (1:17 a.m)... so i'm so tired. I'ma let ya'll go, and go night nights!!
This pic is of me and "Flash"... I didn't like him much... He was stuckup-ish, and notice the cropping... his outfit wasn't exactly awesome...
They need a lesson in modesty and meekness. LOL
Ha! I love it. Good post, my friend.
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