Wednesday, July 5


Last night, a bunch of us went to Point Mallard, to watch some fireworks... We got there about 7 something, and figured the fireworks started @ 9. They didn't. They started at 10. There was a beauty pageant going on, along with a small fair, so we sat in the soccer field waiting for the fireworks to begin.

Then we noticed something.

We were more of a MINORITY there. There were hundreds of Mexicans running around with their 25 kids, and 1 woman with every 5 guys.

Josiah, Tesia, and I got REALLY annoyed. WE WERE celebrating our history, our heritage, our LIBERTY!!! What were they celebrating I wonder???? Most likely getting here illegally.

Everyone knows how much I despise Illegal's... I just sat there fuming, on the blanket. Josiah said that the border patrol should surround the place and pack everyone that didn't have their correct ID into a bus and deport them back to there home place. I say if they didn't have their ID to do something worse to them... But that wouldn't be politically correct would it?

Then the fireworks started, and all was dark. The fireworks were really pretty.

But another thing was wrong...

They only lasted about 20 minutes, when we had waited several hours for this SUPPOSEDLY best firework show.... I'm not sure WHO they were comparing them selves to, but it WAS NOT the best by far.

We had to wait really long for everyone to get out of the park, and THEN I got bit by a little creature, and I wish I had a picture to show you how swollen some of my hand was.

That was my night. At least I had fun hangin wit my homies.

BTW... Dylan is now beginning to Blog. is his linkage


J. No said...

Click to find out why the fireworks show was so short...

Brooke said...

Aman, KAya!! I felt like I was in Mexico! Then I felt trapped in Mexico when we couldn't get out. Arg. Just what is this nation coming to? I had fun anyway.

tesiamaria said...

Amen sister!

It WAS rather obnoxious.

They (illegals) neeed to go home and try again...LEGALLY.

By the has NOTHING to do with the fact that they happen to be Mexian. I'd feel the same way if they were Mongolian. :O)

mangagirl said...
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mangagirl said...
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mangagirl said...

so you assumed that becuase they were hispanic looking they were mexican and illigal? wow kayla that's deep. here's what I think...

Erin said...

Girlfriend don't get me started. Just because they have dark hair and speak a diffrenet language, dosen't mean there illegal. Seeings how blacks went through a lot like what this people are going through, i don't see your points. PLUS!! Don't come to asheville, because the majority here, is Hispanics,Russians,Ukranines,--and that's just counting our nieghbors.
So to finish my speech,--I Forgot.
See YA!