I got an awesome blessing in going to Escondido. I made so many new friends and the services were all so good!!

Tuesday I flew into LAX (the Los Angles airport) on tuesday at nine or something... i can't really remember. Caught a shuttle *after we got on the WRONG one and had to get back off again :D* to the car rental place, and Brother Jim drove a blue PT cruiser with Sarah, Cassia and I... While Sister Becky drove a Sienna (I think) with Kim, Sister Haney, Sister Virginia, Sister Allison, and Sister Nadine to the Escondido Church grounds.
Sister Romero was waiting for us (when we got there at like 1:30 a.m.) and unlocked our rooms and we (everyone except Bro. Jim and Sis. Becky) went to sleep in our rooms. The Knox's stayed at the Edringtons

Wednesday we woke up and needed some food so we called Victoria Edrington (everyone else was at school or work) to pick us up and take us to eat. We Met Gary and Michelle Nunley, and Nathan O. and went to the beach and the mall to see John at Calvin Klein... The beach was very cold on wednesday!! Wenesday p.m we went to church... I'm pretty sure it was Bro. Romero that preached
-Thursday we got to be introduced to the Cowbell. Not a good thing :D. Six thirty in the morning comes very early btw ... Breakfast was at 7:30 to 8:30... Prayer and Praise at 9:15... Church at 10:30... lunch after and then church at 7. I actually have no clue why we have to be up at 6:30 except to elbow the wall or yell at the walls (you know who you are :D)... The Grounds are really nice. The food was awesome :D We also went to Ihop after the night service (all the yp which was ALOT) 

Friday was about the same except for the addition of young peoples at 3:30... Brother Casper had the lesson... We got food and brought it back to the Romero's after night service... Lots of fun!!

Saturday was about the same :D Brandon had the yp lesson and all the other messages are all mixed up in my head :D I remember them but not all in order...

Sunday umm was the same :D church. eat. church. eat :D we went to Applebees that night I believe...

Monday we stayed at the grounds until like 3. then we all loaded up in Sis. Romero's and the church van (which Bro. Casper drove) to Oceanside. It was so awesome!!! I think this was the only day it even began to be warm enough to go to the beach... The saints had a whole little section to ourselves really... we had a fire, walked on the pier... some yp played volleyball...and we left at like 10 heading back to the church...

Tuesday was definitley NOT my favorite part of the trip... some yp's flight left at like 11:40 a.m.... and since there wasn't room for Kim and I on the second trip to LAX... we had to stay at the airport until our flight left at 10. P.M.... so yeah. we sat on a bench from 10:30 something till 3:30... our luggage couldn't be checked in until six hours before the flight so we had to sit there with it until then.

After 3:30 we went through security to our terminal and waited. and waited and waited. 9:20 p.m we got to board our flight to detroit. In Detroit we had a 3 hour and 30 mins layover. By that time I was getting pretty sick :( I layed in the floor (thanks kim for leaving me there!!!) and woke up with people all around me :D with everyone else that was SUPPOSED to be with me across the room lol. We finally got home at 9:40 a.m central time after 20 hours in an airport and 4 on a plane.