I thought I would take a moment and do a post about :

There isn't really much to update you guys on. I'm still the same me that I have been all my life. Although I do hope that I act older sometimes :D... I still have to have everything perfect, I'm pretty easily annoyed :-( , and I still love music.
Actually, I have been having these weird fears lately. Like of starting school, and college. Scared of losing my friends. Scared of growing up.
Not that you guys want to hear about my fears or anything, but I have been having them, and it's kind of different for me. I have always been the kid to get up and have my school done early. To keep my room clean, to always have everything done when it's supposed to be done, and overall, I would say I'm a pretty well rounded person.
But lately, Everything is changing. Lots of things in my life are changing, some of the changes I like, and alot of them I don't.
I don't really know what to think of it all. I know God has a plan for all of us, but right now i'm not sure what it is. And sometimes it's hard trying to figure it all out. :-(
If you've gone this far without fears, I'd say-- if things are going to equal out so you can see how a lot of other folks live-- it might be time for you to find out what it's like to have some fears.
I'm really not trying to take away from the problem. Just remembering the contrast between how you say you have been up until now and how I was at that age. I can't imagine what it would have been like to have come through my teen years as far as you have with so few fears.
I'm a great believer in the idea that to have compassion for others, we-- at least to some extent-- have to have experienced some of what they go through ourselves.
Sometimes, when you're going through the knotholes in life, it's easier to go through them when you have a routine to stick to. A "normal" that you can lean on. For you, that would definitely mean staying saved and going to church (because, hey, do you really know any different?), and it also seems like getting school done and cleaning your room.
They may seem trivial, but if you can hold onto those small, secure things that you're used to, it will help when the rest of your world is changing. Keep what you can steady---and ride out the rest.
Take it from one who knows... ;)
Sister, to me it seems like that since you have some good traits, like getting your school work done and taking care of things goodly and quickly... your probably going to be "ahead of the gang." You just keep that up and College won't be to hard for you I don't believe.
As for friends,.. Unfortunately, as I have experienced, they come and go, even friends that you thought you'd be close to forever and always sometimes drift away... But as I have experienced with changing schools 4 or 5 times and moving across the country.. You'll make more friends... and one thing my sister taught me is your family, they are the ones that will usually really always be there, especially saved ones.. So enjoy them, and take this time that you have in life to even get that much closer to God as your best friend.
But I am glad for you doing well spiritually. Hang in there
"Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10
Changes....don't remind me.
you still like music thats fer sure!!haha
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